Tanfon Solar 15th Anniversary Celebration

The 15th anniversary celebration of Tanfon successfully ended yesterday. Tanfon’s business philosophy, products and expectations for the future, we also invited friends from Alibaba, Made in China, and Google to share what Tanfon looks like in their eyes. Let’s take a look back at this grand celebration.

CEO Mr. Qiu

“Since August 18, 2008, the company has gone through more than 5,000 days and nights. This is 15 years. It is not only a 15 years of hard work and hardships, but also a very fulfilling and rewarding 15 years.

Looking back fifteen years ago today, the company was officially put into trial operation. Although she was born quietly, she has its own goal – to bring solar energy to the world with new energy technology from China. With indomitable courage and confidence in our products, we have seized the opportunity of social growth and have taken a solid step in our journey to the world. Today, Tianfeng has developed into an enterprise with eight patents and a production plant of 30,000 square meters. We have provided more than 10,000 professionally customized solar power generation systems and intelligent energy management solutions for customers around the world. With the development of the company, we are also committed to technology and product innovation. We invest 5% of the total sales into the scientific research of our product line every year.

We have established a research and development center and a product testing center. Under the epidemic environment, overseas friends can visit our factory online without coming to China.

Finally, I sincerely hope that in the days to come, I can work together with you, stand shoulder to shoulder, stand at a new starting point, and foster new hope. I also believe that we can go further and more steadily.

At that time, we can send Tianfeng Energy’s products to more places in the world together, bringing new energy and a new way of life to friends all over the world. Contribute to the harmonious development of human beings and nature.

thank you all!”

Platforms such as Alibaba, Made in China, and Google also came to the scene to send gifts and speeches for the 15th anniversary of Tanfon.

Alibaba Manager
Mr. Xie

“In 2009, when the Internet was not very developed, Tanfon Technology chose to believe in Alibaba. Tanfon and Alibaba cooperated and achieved win-win results. Alibaba brought many customers to Tanfon, and Tanfon also The Alibaba platform is getting bigger and bigger, so today Tanfon has become a 13-year high-quality supplier member of Alibaba. This name represents Alibaba’s recognition of Tanfon, and hopes that Alibaba and Tanfon will grow together on the road in the future.”

Made in China Manager
Mr. Zhong

In the early days when MIC was still a promotion platform for traditional Chinese enterprises, Tanfon was injected into MIC as a fresh blood. In the past 12 years, Tanfon has reached cooperation with many foreign companies on the Made in China platform. The growth of Tanfon,MIC is obvious to all, so today Tanfon has become a star supplier in the energy industry of our Chinese manufacturing platform, and we hope that Tanfon can do better in the future.”

Google Marketing Manager
Ms. Sama

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